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Welcome to Michelle's world of food. Why a blog? Simply because I love food and most of all, I love cooking. I contemplated calling this blog, "The skinny chef". However, on consultation with the bathroom scale, we both agreed that it was a bad idea. (We couldn't decide which was worse, the skinny part or the chef part...)

Wise men once said that music is the language of the world. I beg to differ. I say that food is the universal language of humankind!

Food transcends culture, geographical boundaries, time, race, ethnicity, social classes, religions and politics. Where else would you find two people with opposing viewpoints coexisting amicably? In a restaurant of course. 

I do not not profess to be a chef, except perhaps in my own kitchen! In fact, far from it. I just happen to be blessed with an innate ability to fry an egg without mucking up and most importantly, a wonderful husband and a neat group of friends who so obligingly put up with being guinea pigs in my cooking experiments. 

Hence, instead of keeping my gastronomic experiences in the big black suitcase collecting dust under my bed, I bravely decided to share them with the world.

Cooking is fun and like everything else, failure is just another learning experience. And, it does help to have a good sense of humour!


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