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Quick Bean Salad

I love summer. Nothing beats Wellington on a nice, hot and still summer's day. We love packing a picnic and heading to the beach for a relaxing evening meal in the sunset. It totally redefines the meaning of "eating out". On spontaneous moments like these, I often just quickly put together what I can find in the pantry.

This is my adaptation of bean salad. It is extremely easy and quick to make (If I can do it so can you). Wonderful as a light lunch, for a picnic or as a side dish.

Quick Bean Salad

2 cans 400g Four beans mix *
1/2 cup Thinly sliced celery
1/4 Red onion
1/4 cup Coriander
40ml Olive oil
1 1/2 tsp Ground cumin
1 tbsp Lime juice
1 tsp salt
Pepper to taste

* Four beans mix contains: Butter Beans, Cannelini Beans, Borlotti Beans and Red Kidney Beans.

1. Heat olive oil in a saucepan. When the oil is hot enough, (Test it by putting a wooden spoon or wooden chopstick into the oil. If it bubbles, it means that the oil is hot enough), add ground cumin and stir well. Remove from heat immediately and set aside to cool.
2. Slice red onion thinly. Chop coriander.
3. Drain the beans. Add celery, red onion and coriander to beans. Add oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. Mix well.
4. Leave the bean salad in the fridge for at least an hour before serving. Better still, leave it overnight in the fridge to allow flavors to develop.

Serves 2.


  1. I love the bean salad. I can even eat this in my crazy non dairy non gluten non fungus no sugar diet!


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