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Asparagus wrapped with bacon

We finally took lounge curtains down today. There was a moment of silence. The curtains had a long history; surviving battering from our various pets. It all started with our first pair of budgies, Birdie and Sunshine. We would let them out for a fly everyday while we are at work. They pretty much have free reign of the house.

As we live up the hills and with such a lovely view and lots of privacy, we hardly ever draw the curtains, even in mid-winter. One cold, wet and miserable afternoon, we decided to chill and watch a DVD. It was one of those, "I want to be a couch potato when I grow up..." moment. To our horror, as we drew the curtains, we realised they were full of holes. We are not talking about tiny pin size holes but holes large enough to fill a bucket. It suddenly dawn on us that those birds were not being "cute" hiding behind the folds of the curtains, they were actually eating them! Those little rascals.

We decided not to replace them; the curtains that is. We resign to the fact that the curtains now belong to the budgies.

Then of course, we adopted two lovely greyhounds. They decided that they too will have a go at the curtains. One of them ripped off half a tassel.

We decided not to replace the curtains. We resigned to the fact that the curtains now also belong to the greyhounds.

The saga continues with Timmy the cat who came to live with us after the greyhounds. He decided to finish off what the dogs started and ripped off the whole tassel this time. What dogs can do, I can do better.

We now decided that the curtains belong to the dump.

But what a difference the house looked without those dark gloomy curtains. It is the beginning of spring. The windows are letting in the bright, sunny and summery light from the sun as I write. What better way to celebrate this spring day than with a snack of fresh asparagus wrapped in crispy bacon! The sweetness of the honey, freshness of the asparagus and aroma of grilled bacon is simply divine. Try it for yourself.

12 spears asparagus
6 bacon

1. Turn your oven onto grill.
2. While the oven heats up, cut the bacon into half.
3. Cut the ends off the asparagus.
4. Spread some honey over the bacon.
5. Wrap bacon around the asparagus and secure with toothpicks.
6.  Place the on a baking tray and grill for about 10 minutes or until bacon is crispy. Serve immediately.


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