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15 minutes herb roast potatoes

Is that even possible? I'm not even talking about using modern technologies, like microwaves or pressure cookers. It is indeed possible. Alright, there are a few cheats: The time taken to cook potatoes will depend on how large the potatoes are. So, if you are in a hurry to get dinner on the table by five, then cut the potatoes into smaller chunks! Simple as that. Pre-boil your potatoes will cut the cooking time significantly. This recipe is proven and tested by my most difficult food critic, my husband. So you all ready? First, fill a deep frying pan with hot water (enough to cover the potatoes) and bring it to the boil. Ingredients: 2 large potatoes 2 tsp mixed herbs Salt Any fresh herbs you have in the house: thyme, rosemary, oregano (Optional) 1 tbsp olive oil Steps: 1. Ever since we got married, I have learnt to cook potatoes the "bloke" way. I don't peel potatoes anymore. It is in fact very liberating and supposedly nutritious too. I digress. S
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